Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not The Same

I've been feeling down the past week. Ben Folds's Not The Same on a constant loop in my iPod. Sometimes the simplest thing that you want can be the hardest thing you have to do. I find myself more plugged in into music more often these days.

It's like I'm blocking out what's going around me. I think I have enough on my hands to deal with other people's problems. Sometimes, I purposely jump into other people's problems. Giving them advice, a listening ear or words of comfort. God knows, I never get the same treatment when I'm down and out.

It's okay. I'm not looking for gratification. Maybe just a reassurance that someone would be there for me when I falter. Right now, I'm freefalling. I don't know if I'm going to even hit the ground. I swear if I didn't have my music plugged to my ears or if I weren't in Garagerobo, I'd go absolutely bonkers.

Thank god for the simplest things in life.

You were not the same after that

In Memory,
Gary Gygax

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